Gwent Christmas Anti Drink Drive Results 2010

In 2010’s month long campaign, which concluded on January 1st 2011, Gwent Police tested a total of 12022 motorists – 95 of whom tested positive, failed or refused the test.

Gwent Roads Policing Chief Inspector, John Pavett said:

“Officers were out on Gwent roads testing drivers at all times of the day and night during this campaign using a range of tactics, including high profile roadside operations and intelligence led targeting of suspected drink and drug drivers.

Although a minor percentage of the driving public tested positive or refused/failed a breath test, it is very disappointing to see that 95 people are still willing to risk their lives and those of other road users by choosing to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs; the consequences of which can be extremely serious and far-reaching. In the least those arrested risk being issued with a lengthy driving ban, facing imprisonment and losing their jobs.

We are committed to continue this action and enforcement 365 days a year to make Gwent roads safer and we would like to thank all those motorists who voluntarily took part in the campaign for their cooperation and patience.”

In the 2009 Christmas campaign Gwent Police tested a total of 20,578 motorists – 80 of whom tested positive, failed or refused the test.

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