New Paving to Improve Market Entrance

A replica of a historic symbol is to be paved into the St Mary Street entrance of Cardiff Central Market.

The symbol, based on the one over the market’s Trinity Street entrance, will be part of the ongoing works being carried out in High Street and St Mary Street to create an exciting Castle Quarter in the city centre.

Work will begin on Sunday (January 23) and take up to a week to complete. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

The paving will be a real feature for the market, highlighting the entrance and featuring bilingual text similar to the lettering recently installed outside the arcades.

Councillor Delme Bowen, Executive Member for Traffic and Transportation, said: ”The Council understands the importance of the market as an attraction with historical roots from its beginnings as a farmers’ market in the 1700s to its current position as an established landmark in the city centre.

“This improvement will help enhance the market’s appeal as an individual and truly unique attraction for both residents and visitors and is another great addition to the current work to create a pedestrian friendly environment in St Mary Street and High Street.”

Alan Griffiths, Chairman of Cardiff Market Tenants’ Association, added: “Anything that attracts people into the market is a great idea.  The fact that it’s on-street and very visible is a real bonus.”

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