Graham: Assembly Government on Port Business Rates Hinder Economic Development of Newport and Swansea

William Graham AM for South Wales East and Shadow Minister for Regeneration commenting on the Centre for Cities annual report “Cities Outlook 2011”, which identifies Newport and Swansea among the city’s most vulnerable to the uneven spread of the economic recovery:

“The 2010 Ryder Cup demonstrated how entrepreneurial vision is a primary factor in driving economic growth. There are numerous examples of local businesses who year on year generate employment opportunities and make a major contribution to the economic development of South Wales East”.

“I acknowledge the requirement of the public sector in the provision of vital services from supporting the vulnerable members of our communities; to providing us with the documentation for international travel. However we must never lose sight of the fact that private enterprise support the services we provide; that we must retain a positive private/public sectors to retain and expand these services”.

“Cities Outlook 2011’ highlight that Newport and Swansea have not maintained this balance”.

“It indicates low-skill levels and levels of business activity, together with the number of people employed in the public sector and claiming unemployment benefits will require a realistic local action and financial support from central government to redress this balance and generate future economic growth”.

“I contend that the failure of the Assembly Government to follow the UK Government with regard to the equal levying of business rates for companies operating in Welsh ports, hinders the economic future of the cities this report highlights should be given further Assembly government support”.

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