New Chief Constable Appointed

Gwent Police Authority has announced the appointment of Carmel Napier as the next Chief Constable of Gwent Police.

Mrs Napier, who is currently Deputy Chief Constable of the Wales Central Team, will take over when the current Chief Constable, Mick Giannasi, retires at the end of March.

Congratulating Mrs Napier on her appointment, Chair of Gwent Police Authority, Cilla Davies commented:

“We are extremely pleased to have been able to appoint someone with such extensive experience across different areas of policing. This experience will prove invaluable as we continue to look for ways to further improve our service to the public of Gwent.

“There is little doubt that the future path is going to be a difficult one to navigate. The current financial challenges faced by the Force will require resolve, vision and a lot of hard work. The Authority will fully support the new Chief Constable as we tackle these issues together.

“On behalf of the Authority, I congratulate Mrs Napier on her appointment and look forward to working with her.

Speaking after her appointment Mrs Napier said:

“It’s a great honour to have been appointed to this important role. I will work to serve the residents of Gwent to the best of my ability, and look forward to taking up this exciting challenge.

“I am taking over a committed and vibrant Force which is well placed to tackle the challenges ahead. Mick Giannasi has been an excellent chief who will leave an outstanding legacy. I look forward to maintaining the Force’s high performance and its focus on providing the best possible service to the public of Gwent.”

“The Force has seen crime fall in recent years and I am dedicated to continuing that fight against crime, making the streets of Gwent a safe place to live, work and visit.

Paying tribute to outgoing Chief Constable Mick Giannasi who retires at the end of March, Chair of Gwent Police Authority, Cilla Davies added:

“Mick has given Gwent and Wales exemplary service and has been an exceptional leader. He has led the Force through a fundamental restructure which has prepared us well for the operational and financial challenges ahead.

“On behalf of Gwent Police Authority I wish him and his family all the very best for the future”.


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