Morgan: No clarification on trade union council tax involvement

The Minister for Local Government has refused to give immediate clarification on the extent to which trade unions will be involved in the setting of council tax.

Questioned by Shadow Minister Jonathan Morgan AM, Carl Sergeant declined a verbal response and suggested only a written answer.

On Monday 24th January, Welsh local authorities and trade unions signed a voluntary Memorandum of Understanding agreement; to work together on managing authority budgets.

Jonathan Morgan AM said: “I am astonished that the Minister could not provide an answer to this question.

“It is essential that all council tax payers fully understand what influence trade unions will have when council tax is set.

“We need to know how these discussions will take place; does the agreement mean that local authorities simply have a duty to consult trade unions, or will the unions have the power to ratify or veto proposals put forward by elected members.

“This needs to be clarified as a matter of urgency and I remain deeply concerned that the Minister is unable to provide an immediate response.”

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