Police demonstrate a United front with United Welsh

United Welsh have kindly purchased a bicycle for Gwent Police to further demonstrate their commitment to tackling Anti Social Behaviour in our neighbourhoods.

Over the past 18 months, United Welsh and Gwent Police have worked in partnership, with the same objectives – to create safer communities for residents and young children. One way of achieving this is through a sponsored bicycle.

By enabling Gwent Police Officers to patrol on bicycles, it has many benefits. PC Steve Dyer explains;

“A bicycle allows us to be flexible, we can be somewhere within ten minutes whereas on foot it would take us an hour. We can cut through footpaths and blocked off lanes where kids congregate – areas where cars can’t access. We can react quicker to situations. Not only does it benefit our neighbourhoods, it also increases our level of fitness.”

A Neighbourhood Agreement has also been introduced by United Welsh in partnership with Gwent Police for one of United Welsh’s estates, which will reassure residents that they can feel safe in their own community. Sian Weeks from United Welsh’s Anti Social Behaviour team said;

“We believe that by introducing a Neighbourhood Agreement we are encouraging the community to take ownership, and support residents to help each other. The Anti Social Behaviour team has enjoyed working in partnership with Gwent police who are always readily available to attend meetings and collaborate. We look forward to building on this relationship in the future, and are fully committed to creating safer communities for our residents.”

By having the sponsored bicycle, it amplifies Police presence within communities, encouraging communication between both Police Officers and residents which is vital in tackling Anti Social Behaviour. Mr Maurice Normoyle from Diamond Close said;

“United Welsh and Gwent Police staff are fully commited to tackling Anti Social Behaviour. Having police presence at Diamond Close is excellent news for residents, and I am always in full support of the collaborative work that goes on.”

By introducing such innovative ideas, United Welsh has been successful in lowering instances of Anti Social Behaviour and creating communities where people will want to live now and in the future.

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