Concern as Funding Gap Widens

The WLGA is concerned about the growing per pupil funding gap between Wales and England. This disparity in funding has been widening for several years and the current gap of £604 per pupil is very disappointing. While it is recognised that, after more than 10 years of devolved government, comparisons in spending between Wales and England are increasingly problematic, the current position must be of concern to everyone.

Cllr. Peter Fox (Monmouthshire), WLGA Education Spokesperson commented:

“The widening of the per pupil funding gap to £604 is very worrying and needs to be addressed over time but we must not allow it to distract us from the need to improve performance and outcomes within the education system in Wales.  The PISA study, and more recently the Estyn Report, reminds us that there is an overriding need to improve attainment levels within education. The clear message from the PISA study is that, while funding and socio-economic factors are significant, the education system in Wales is underperforming and attainment levels aren’t good enough.  We need to focus more on teaching and learning, on improving literacy and numeracy, rather than getting bogged down in endless discussions around funding and structures.”

“It is important to note as well that the figures published today include both delegated and non-delegated funding so it is misleading and indeed wrong to suggest that the gap is a consequence of the level of funding retained centrally by local authorities.  The figures include expenditure on schools services, local authority central costs, nursery schools, adult and youth education and specific grants.”

“While local government has been making the case for increased spending on education, the WLGA has been working closely with the Welsh Assembly Government and other stakeholders to ensure that existing funding is used effectively and that funding decisions are made as close to the point of delivery as possible.  For this reason, the WLGA is committed to increasing the funding that is delegated to schools from authorities to 85% within 4 years but it must be noted that with increased delegation comes increased responsibility.”


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