AM Helps Amnesty Launch to Election Campaign

Labour AM Jeff Cuthbert has signed up to Amnesty International’s new campaign to keep human rights on the agenda at the Welsh Assembly.

Ahead of the Assembly Elections in May, Amnesty members will be asking their candidates to commit to the campaign by being photographed with the Amnesty placard that say ‘I Stand for Human Rights’.

The aim of the campaign is to remind Assembly Members and candidates about the importance of human rights here in Wales, and to encourage Amnesty supporters around Wales to engage with their candidates at a local level about the human rights issues that are important to them.

The national campaign was launched this week when artist Michael Bosanko (who is from Caerphilly) created some unique new light sculptures outside the Senedd.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said: “I am more than happy to sign up to this pledge as human rights are important here in Wales as well as elsewhere in the world.

“It is important that elected representatives stand up for human rights wherever they are, so that the rights of people to live in freedom and dignity and with respect are recognised.”

Cathy Owens, Amnesty International’s Programme Director for Wales, said: “We will be asking all the candidates to pledge to ‘Stand for Human Rights’. These are not just abstract concepts of great concern in trouble spots around the World.

“We are talking about the right to be treated well as an older person in Wales, the right to be protected from violence, better services for victims of trafficking and other forms of violence against women, and better ways to make sure we are working with overseas governments in the right way.”


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