Man banned from Aberdare town centre

Aberdare’s “Huwy the Tramp” is banned from the town centre in a bid to end his 14-year pattern of intimidating and inappropriate “sex pest” behaviour.

The sanction is one of five imposed upon the 44-year-old – real name Michael Williams – as part of an Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO)

The four-year order was secured by the Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Safety Partnership this week to protect residents, shoppers and businesses from his offending.

Those in the town, who all know Williams as Huwy the Tramp, are fed up of his continuous leering, sexual advances, inappropriate touching of women and general drunken disorder.

As well as causing intimidation and fear, the behaviour also impacts negatively on the environment in the town, which is currently undergoing significant regeneration.

As well as being banned from the town centre – except to attend specific centres at specific times – Williams, of no fixed abode, is banned from:

  • Making intimidating and/or sexual gestures, actions or motions towards any person or in view of any other person while in view of the public
  • Entering onto NHS property unless by prior appointment or in an emergency. He must leave immediately if directed to do so. He may continue to enter the empty Lodge at Aberdare
  • Using verbally abusive or threatening language or behaviour towards any person at any time.
  • Drinking, being under the influence of alcohol or being in possession of opened alcohol in any public place at any time.
  • He is permitted to enter Whitcombe Street between 4pm and 5pm to visit the Post office and may access Aberdare Health Centre to make or attend appointments. He may proceed along High Street as far as the Wind Street junctions, but must not use the pavements or the town side of the road.

The order was imposed by Aberdare Magistrates’ Court after the bench heard about a shocking catalogue of offences and evidence gathered by the Community Safety Partnership – including 23 incidents committed in the last six months alone.

These included approaching female staff in the hospital grounds and asking them for a kiss, approaching a girl in the street and trying to touch her and pull down her top, touching himself inappropriately in view of shop staff and making lewd comments, shouting abuse at shop and office staff and ignoring previous banning orders he had received.

As well as the latest offences, the court also considered evidence stretching back to 1996 that involved offences in Coventry and Nottingham in the UK, as well as Pontypridd and Gelli.

These, again, included approaching women in an intimidating manner and trying to kiss or touch them, making lewd suggestions, being aggressive and violent – including possession of an imitation firearm and other weapons – and general aggression and intimidation.

Paul Cannon, Chair of the Community Safety Partnership, said: “This individual has a long and shocking history of committing crime and anti-social behaviour.

“He has spent much time in the last 14 years in prison but, surprisingly, the only real break in his offending was when he was previously on an ASBO.

“As such, the partnership has worked to bring together the evidence from many agencies and individuals in order to secure sanctions against a man who can only be described as a sex pest.

“The evidence presented against him in court this week was full of statements from countless women who had been approached by Williams and touched, leered at or spoken to suggestively in a manner they found inappropriate and upsetting.

“We simply cannot and will not tolerate the behaviour of an individual having such a detrimental impact on the health and wellbeing of our communities. We are pleased the court supported us in this and imposed a strict four-year ASBO.”

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