Clean slate – Book amnesty at Gwynedd’s libraries

Forgetful library users in Gwynedd will be able to wipe the slate clean for a period of six weeks as the Council offers an amnesty on items taken out but haven’t been returned.

Maybe you’ve stopped using the library service because you have outstanding books or worried about fines. If you feel embarrassed that you have fines on your card, or ashamed that books, DVDs or CDs have been lurking at the bottom of a cupboard for months, here’s the ideal opportunity for you to start again with a clean slate.

The amnesty at Gwynedd Council libraries will be held from 14 February to 26 March 2011. Overdue items returned to Gwynedd libraries during this period will mean that your account will be cleared and you can once again use this excellent, free service with a clear conscience.

Hywel James, Gwynedd Council Principal Librarian said:

“We realise that library users don’t set out with the intention of not returning books or items to libraries, but circumstances can sometimes mean that people forget or can’t return them in time.

“But, the longer people wait, the harder it becomes for them to return the items because they’re embarrassed. The aim of this campaign is to offer people who are worried about using their library cards because of fines a chance to start over.”

Councillor Alwyn Gruffydd, who leads on libraries for Gwynedd Council added:

“Our aim in offering this book amnesty is to give library users a clean slate to return their outstanding items without a fine so that they can enjoy the great facilities Gwynedd Council libraries have to offer.

“We hope that we can welcome library users back so that they can enjoy the range of resources on offer, including books, large print books, audio books, DVDs, CDs and free internet access.”

During the campaign which runs from 14 February to 26 March 2011, it will be possible to return items to any one of Gwynedd Council’s libraries, including the mobile libraries.

For more information about Gwynedd Council’s Libraries Service, visit:

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