EU Funds – Another Award for Wales

Wales has won a top European award for the way it runs its economic development policy.

The European Commission’s ‘Regions of Excellence’ award has been given for the way the Welsh Government, with the help of its partners, successfully implements projects in line with the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Wales is one of just three European nations and regions to receive the award, says the EU’s Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn.

First Minister Carwyn Jones said: “I am very pleased that our approach of integrating the common European goals of Europe 2020 into our own tailor-made Welsh policies has been recognised as best practice in the EU.

“I also welcome the continued recognition of our successful management of European Structural Funds – a recognition I am keen to extend to our partners across Wales, who are just as important in successfully delivering these programmes.”

Since 2007, EU funds have supported 208 projects with a total investment of over £2.9bn across Wales, helping over 22,000 people into work.

Wales is also leading the way in using EU funds to deliver sustainable investments through the JEREMIE and JESSICA schemes, providing finance to small and medium sized enterprises to help them grow and providing investment to support the regeneration of communities.

Jeff Cuthbert, Chair of the All Wales Programming Committee said: “I am delighted that Wales is recognised for the way it implements its Structural Funds programmes and projects. This award reflects the on-going collaboration and partnership which is vital to ensuring that projects are delivering maximum benefit, helping to build a more sustainable future for Wales.”

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