Full steam ahead for Llangollen railway expansion

Funding to assist in the extension of Llangollen Railway from Carrog through to Corwen has been brought forward by the Welsh Assembly Government, Deputy Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Jocelyn Davies AM announced yesterday.

£500,000 had been approved for the next financial year but because of the considerable progress made by the Llangollen Railway Trust, £370,000 of that funding will be made available this year to allow work to begin.   They will now be able to begin buying the necessary materials.

The Trust has already been working closely with Denbighshire County Council and the local community to prepare the town for the railway’s arrival.

Deputy Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Jocelyn Davies AM said:

“I’m delighted that the project is running ahead of schedule and that work can begin much sooner than originally planned.

“The extension of the railway is a boost for the tourism industry and is part of the regeneration work being carried out which will benefit the people of the Dee Valley and in particular, Corwen.

“We have long supported the extension of the Llangollen Railway and this development will offer new and exciting opportunities for businesses and tourists alike.”

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