Plaid fears over plan to axe Coastguards

Plaid Cymru MPs and AMs have expressed deep concern at the UK Government’s plans to slash the number of coastguard stations around the UK which could mean that overnight control of large parts of the Welsh coastline will be manned from the North Sea.

The UK Government is planning to merge the current 17 stations into two main hubs with five supporting stations.

The main hubs will be in Aberdeen and on the English south coast. Swansea and either Liverpool or Belfast will be among the supporting stations expected to look after the Welsh coastline. These supporting stations will not operate on a full-time basis.

Coastguard stations in Milford Haven and Holyhead will close under these plans.

Hywel Williams, MP for Arfon, said: “The Coastguard is a vital emergency service in Wales and our coastline must be properly protected.

“These cuts will affect the Coastguard’s ability to protect and save lives as local knowledge of the coast will be lost by moving to centralised coastguard hubs, hundreds of miles away – with the nearest to us in north Wales in Aberdeen!

“It is ludicrous, even with modern  technology, that we are expecting that the coastguard for the Irish Sea to be coming around the top of Scotland from the North Sea.

“These proposals are also likely to result in compulsory redundancies for skilled and specialised jobs when they are closed down.

“Yet again the UK Government is rushing through consultations and making reckless decisions similar to the announcement on the future of Search and Rescue services.”

Nerys Evans, Mid and West Wales AM, said: “The UK Government talks about better valued jobs, but no detail is being provided in the consultation as to how this will happen or on the impact on the coastguard workers.

“I am especially concerned about the situation at Milford Haven, which is set to close in just two years. I worry that these plans are being rushed through and we will not have sufficient cover and support.

“Passing responsibility to stations in England and Scotland is a ridiculous proposal.

“We need local knowledge and local coastguard services. The Coastguard deserves to be valued just like the other emergency services.”

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