Public meetings at Bangor and Bethesda

Public meetings to discuss concerns regarding the restructuring of policing in Gwynedd have been organised.

An open invitation is being extended to the people of Bangor and the surrounding area to meet members of North Wales Police and the Police Authority to discuss any concerns and dispel some of the inaccuracies that are currently being portrayed in the local news and social networking sites.

Two meetings have been arranged – the first will be held at Penrhyn Hall, Ffordd Gwynedd in Bangor at 7pm on Wednesday, 9th February, where Commander of the Western Division, Chief Superintendent Mark Jones will be in attendance with District Inspector Manon Owen and representatives from the North Wales Police Authority.

The second meeting will take place at Neuadd Ogwen in Bethesda at 7pm on Wednesday, 23rd February with Superintendent Peter Newton from the Western Division Command Team and representatives from the North Wales Police Authority.

Chief Superintendent Mark Jones said: “This meeting has been arranged following concerns from members of the public regarding the response hubs.

“I am keen to dispel some of the inaccuracies that are being portrayed. Firstly Bangor police station is not closing and secondly the front counter service will not be closing. To the contrary, we are currently reviewing the hours worked by our counter staff and are seeking to extend these.

“I also wish to dispel some of the misunderstanding regarding the Strategic Hubs planned for Caernarfon. Emergency response officers will start duty at Caernarfon, and immediately following a face to face briefing with their supervisor they will be ‘forward deployed’ to locations within the area. Bangor will clearly be one of these stations, where the response officers will remain operational for their entire shift. Bangor will not be losing these staff.

“The model proposed is working successfully in other parts of the country and I am very confident that the service to the public of Bangor will improve and not be diminished.

He added: “I encourage local residents to attend either meeting where they will be given an opportunity to make their opinions heard and we can appraise residents of the current situation.”

Tal Michael, Chief Executive of the North Wales Police Authority said: “The Police Authority is keen to engage in an ongoing dialogue with the people of North Wales. Obviously the changes we have been consulting on are driven by the need to save money, but we are determined to ensure that the people of North Wales receive the best service possible within the finances available – and that means engaging with local people so we know what is working and what isn’t.”

If you are unable to attend the meetings and you would like further information please contact District Inspector for Bangor, Manon Owen on 101 or email: [email protected]


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