Plaid: Still No Clear Pledge Regarding Electrification

The Westminster government still sees deficit reduction as the priority, rather than infrastructure projects like rail electrification to boost the Welsh economy, according to a Plaid Cymru AM.

Plaid Cymru AM Chris Franks wrote to Westminster’s Department of Transport regarding the key issue of electrification of the rail line between Swansea to London.

The Minister of State, Rt Hon Theresa Villiers MP has in a letter to the Plaid AM said: “The top priority of the Government is to reduce the deficit to help the economic recovery. However, the Government recognizes that transport plays a large part in the recovery and is committed to long-term investment.

“It was announced on 25th November 2010 that electrification of the Great Western Main Line will go ahead. However, the extent of the electrification and the timetable for this depends on the review of the Intercity Express Programme. This programme is currently under review by the Government as Agility Trains have submitted revised proposals for the rolling stock to be used.”

South Wales Central AM Chris Franks said: “The Westminster government has refused to give a clear pledge on the go ahead for the electrification of the rail line between Swansea to London. If the scheme does not go ahead it shows the ineffectiveness of Welsh Secretary Cheryl Gillan in making the case for Wales, and shows that the Westminster coalition does not consider our nation when it makes decisions.

“The Conservative-Liberal Democrat government seems to be obsessed with deficit reduction rather than boosting the Welsh economy by investing in this important project. Plaid will not let Con-Dem austerity beat our ambitions for Wales. Firm assurances must be given on this issue. The proposals are essential for the future of the Welsh economy and should not be allowed to simply gather dust on some Whitehall desk.

“The Welsh business community have said how important electrification of rail lines in Wales would be. Rail electrification would transform our economy and bring Wales on a par with other European nations. For our entrepreneurs – achieving success is in their hands but they must have the right infrastructure, broadband and transport links to ensure their businesses grow.”

Professor Stuart Cole, of the University of Glamorgan, who is widely regarded as Wales’ foremost transport expert, has said that plans to electrify the line as far as Swansea should be extended to encompass the Valleys lines.

Plaid Cymru Leader Ieuan Wyn Jones said electrification of the London-Swansea line was of “vital strategic importance” to Wales and would “open up the possibility of the scheme being extended to cover the South Wales Valleys”.

Mr Franks added: “Plaid candidates for the Cynon Valley, Dafydd Trystan Davies and the Rhondda’s Sêra Evans-Fear have pledged to champion electrifying the railways in the Valleys. It will provide a modern transport system for thousands of rail passengers that rely on the service. It will be quicker, cleaner and a more efficient way to get to work and leisure opportunities. Plaid in government has boosted the Valleys lines by providing money for extended platforms, extra carriages and more services. Unfortunately the Westminster government has not matched Plaid’s ambition for Welsh rail and has instead focused on services around London.”

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