Action against drugs in Cardiff: Results

South Wales Police has arrested 21 people and seized drugs, cash, weapons and suspected stolen property as part of a day of action against drugs in Cardiff today.

The arrests for mainly drug and theft offences were just part of the city-wide operation which also included school pupils receiving a drug’s awareness lesson and passive drugs dogs in the city centre.

Items seized include:

  • 1oz of cocaine valued at £800
  • 1 loaded crossbow
  • 2 suspected stolen quad bikes
  • 2 suspected stolen satellite navigation systems
  • A cocaine press
  • 2 cannabis factories
  • £2000 cash

Officers also gathered evidence which in the event of charges will be used to secure confiscation orders under the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA).

Applications will now be made to freeze any assets owned by suspects who it is believed may have been living off the proceeds of crime, and investigations will be launched into their personal affairs by POCA officers.

Detective Chief Inspector Danny Richards, who led the operation, said: “The link between acquisitive crime and drug addiction is well known. Drug dependant offenders need to raise money to buy drugs and many will commit crime such as burglary or break into cars in order to feed their habit.

“South Wales Police will target offenders but a big part of our work is also prevention, such as school lessons, and support from our colleagues in the Drug Intervention Programme.

“With partner agencies we help people to seek help, advice and treatment for their addiction – this is a long-term approach to tackling drug related activity, altering people’s lifestyles and directing them away from associated crime.

“But this does not take away our focus from arresting drug dealers and seizing their assets. Criminals should not enjoy any financial benefit as a result of illegal activity and we make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Since April 1, almost 40 criminals have been ordered to hand over £1.3million in Confiscation Orders as a result of work by the Financial Investigation Unit, based at Cardiff Bay Police Station.

The figure contributes to a total of £5.7 million since the unit was set up six years ago when the Proceeds of Crime Act came into force. The money goes to the government for redistribution.

Detective Sergeant Steve Hocking said: “The Proceeds of Crime Act enables us to seize and restrain all the criminal assets derived from people involved in drug trafficking.

“When we carry out an investigation we will look at every single asset – from holidays to dental work, dog food to designer jewellery.

“Most career criminals feel able to carry out a prison sentence, but where you start taking away their cars, emptying their bank accounts, and selling their home that is when it really hurts.

“They have to realise that crime does not pay but we need the help of the public to keep telling us where these individuals are.”

Anyone who has information about drug use or trafficking can call South Wales Police by dialling 101 or calling Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111


  • 21 people arrested today.
  • £1.3 is the value of Confiscation Orders for convicted criminals in Cardiff this year,
  • 187 people are currently receiving treatment and support through the Drug Intervention Programme
  • 144 lessons delivered on drug awareness to Cardiff pupils by school’s liaison officers between September and December last year.
  • The Wales Drug and Alcohol Helpline ( 0808 141 0044) is a free and bilingual telephone drugs helpline providing a single point of contact for anyone in Wales wanting further information or help relating to drugs or alcohol. This service is available to individuals, their families, or carers wanting advice or support.
Photograph: Pc Dave Ham is pictured with the biggest seizure of the day – £800 worth of suspected cocaine
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