An ingenious idea… up on the roof

A rundown building has been rejuvenated for use by allotment owners, in the latest project led by Caerphilly’s Tidy Towns Tidy Places team.

While clearing an area of wasteland ready for new allotment plots in Bargoed, the team came across a dilapidated building among the overgrowth.

After repairing the damaged walls and building a new timber roof, the building was then laid with a ‘green living roof’ using sedum plants.

Cllr Lyn Ackerman, Cabinet Member for Public Services and Housing said, “This is now a community building for allotment owners to use and be proud of. The ‘living roof’ is another example of our commitment to being even more eco-friendly, and I am sure this building will be enjoyed and made use of for years to come”.

Pupils from the Little Diggers Group from Gilfach Fargoed Primary School came along to see the rejuvenated building, as did local ward member, Cllr Harry Andrews.

Tidy Towns Tidy Places is a Welsh Assembly Government initiative, which aims to improve the quality of the local environment through community action, contributing towards a clean, safe and tidy Wales.


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