Digital Media in Carmarthenshire

A pilot project to enable young people in isolated communities in Carmarthenshire to keep in touch has started in Llandeilo and Whitland.

It also aims to bring the younger and older generations together and give people a more positive view of young people.

CYCA Wales Ltd is running the Digital Media – ICT project as pilot projects in the two areas, working with youth organisations including Llandeilo and Whitland Young Farmers Clubs.

The projects include young people making videos to be featured on their web-based interactive bilingual magazine, information sharing between rurally isolated young people, generation of business awareness, supporting intergenerational interaction within communities, exploring the potential for youth led, commercial promotional media to be produced within local communities, and promoting positive perceptions of youth-led initiatives to negate the continual negative perceptions of young people.

The Welsh Assembly ‘Young People Strategy’ identifies that young people in rural areas are living in isolation and that digital media help could counteract this.

The project has received £25,000 in part-funding from the Axis 4 project Access to Services through Innovation through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Executive board member for regeneration and leisure Cllr Clive Scourfield said: “This project is an excellent way to help isolated young people in rural areas to keep in touch with each other and to bridge the gap between the younger and older generations.”

Photograph: Members of Llandeilo Young Farmers Club out filming with CYCA Wales Ltd project officer Jamie Pike and Carmarthenshire County Council regeneration development officer Alice James

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