Refuse collection changes – the team go out and about

Flintshire County Council’s recycling team could be coming to a venue near you soon, as they engage with residents regarding the new waste collection arrangements which are being introduced into the county over the coming months.

The first 6000 households involved will receive details of their new collection arrangements in late February, along with their new wheeled bins. A booklet containing all the information needed about the changes to the service will be posted through the door on the day the bin is delivered. Collections will start at the beginning of March and the service will be rolled out to all of Flintshire residents during the summer.

Households will receive the following services:

  • A weekly recycling collection
  • A weekly collection of food waste
  • A fortnightly collection of non–recyclable waste (refuse) alternating with…
  • A fortnightly green waste collection service (brown bin)

Collections will take place on the same day of the week which will be easier for residents.

Councillor Nancy Matthews, Executive Member for Waste, has been out with the team and their mascots at various venues in the county to let people know about the changes.

Councillor Matthews said:

“We need to encourage Flintshire residents to recycle more and waste less to avoid waste going to landfill and to enable Flintshire to achieve the recycling targets set by Welsh Assembly Government. There are tough financial penalties if we fail to meet these targets.

“The Council is carrying out a phased change-over into the new refuse collection scheme, and those residents affected will get advanced notice of any changes through their letter boxes.

“We will also be visiting various locations throughout the county – such as markets, retail parks and supermarket car parks – to let people know about the service, and to answer any questions they may have.”

For more information about any of Flintshire County Council’s waste collection services please call the helpline on 01352 703350.

Below are just some of the dates when the recycling team and mascots will be out and about in the county – come and say hello!

Thursday February 24 – Holywell Town Centre Market, 9am – 4pm
March 1 – Somerfield Connah’s Quay
March 2 – Buckley town centre
March 3 – Holywell Town Centre
March 9 – Tesco Mold
March 10 -Tesco Holywell
March 11 – Broughton Retail Park

Photograph: Cllr Nancy Matthews, with Michael Medenica and his daughter Amelia-Mae and the mascots. Teresa Erskine, a member of the Recycling team, is also pictured on the stand

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