Meredith Takes Caerphilly to London As He Calls For Tourism Boost

Conservative candidate for Caerphilly, Owen Meredith, has urged Caerphilly County Borough Council and the Welsh Assembly to work with local businesses to promote tourism in the town.

This week he held an event in London celebrating St David’s Day and promoting Caerphilly as a tourist destination.

Mr Meredith said:

“I am determined to match my words with actions. That is why this week I have taken Caerphilly to London, speaking to a London audience about the beauty and heritage Caerphilly and the Welsh Valleys has on offer.

“To help our economic recovery and bring new jobs into the town, we need to make the most of our assets. Caerphilly has the largest Castle in Wales, and one of the biggest in Europe. With a tour of Welsh castles topping the ‘must do’ poll for tourist, we are in danger of missing a massive opportunity.”

At the event, Emma Salisbury, a graduate living in London, said:

“Owen speaks very passionately about Caerphilly and you can see his determination to see it rise up the list of top tourist destinations. It was very interesting to learn about what Caerphilly has to offer and I hope to be able to see if for myself before long.”

Owen added:

“If we are to make the most of our great castle, we have to offer visitors more. At the minute, people come to see the castle, but then leave without exploring what the rest of Caerphilly has to offer. There is enthusiasm from local businesses to work in partnership with the Council and the Assembly to enhance the Caerphilly experience for tourists and I am determined to do whatever I can to help them achieve this.”

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