Scrap metal theft on Anglesey

North Wales Police are appealing for vigilance following an incident of scrap metal theft on Anglesey.

The warning comes following an incident at around 10am yesterday (Wednesday, 9th March) whereby scrap metal was stolen from a farm in Llanddaniel.

Two men – who travelled in a Ford Iveco box van, approached a farmer offering to sell his scrap metal whilst promising to return with the cash.

The first man is described as being of large build, between 6ft 3 and 6ft 5, with short brown curly hair and a ‘red face’ and who spoke with an Irish accent.

They failed to return with the cash.

“I’d like to appeal for the local community – especially local farmers to be vigilant and to report any suspicious behaviour,” said local Community Beat Manager, PC Ron Owen.

“North Wales Police would also like to warn scrap metal thieves that we are working with scrap metal dealers and other agencies to make it as difficult as possible for offenders to sell stolen metal. Anyone suspected of being involved in stealing metal will be targeted and arrested. We’ll also seize any vehicles suspected of being used to transport these stolen items.

He added: “Local residents can also play their part in combating this problem by being vigilant. If you do see someone acting suspiciously, try and get as much information as you can – description, vehicle details and registration number, and contact the police immediately.”

Any scrap metal dealers approached to buy metals who are not able to prove its origin should also contact North Wales Police on 101 or Crimestoppers Wales anonymously on 0800 555 111.


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