Flint Castle Clean Up – Monday March 14

Residents of Flint Castle, and pupils from St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School, are joining forces with council officers and Keep Wales Tidy next Monday morning, to give their local community a clean-up.

The Flint Castle Clean-Up came about thanks to pupils from St Mary’s asking for help to tidy up their town.

Council officers, including members of the Streetscene team and the Coastal Rangers, then set about to arrange a community effort, with help and support from Keep Wales Tidy. The police, volunteers from the Flint Castle estate, a team from Flint Castle Communities First, and local company Castle Connections will also all be helping out on the day.

In conjunction with the event, pupils from St Mary’s have entered a “design a sign” competition, which will be judged by Councillor Dennis Hutchinson, the Executive Member for Leisure and Public Protection, and Flint Castle County Councillor Ian Roberts, with the chosen sign being sited once the area has been cleaned up.

The event starts at 10am on Monday 14 March by the lifeboat station at Flint Castle. The Clean-Up itself will go along the coast path from the football and rugby pitches up to Flint dock.


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