Morgan: Response to Anglesey council announcement

Commenting on the Local Government Minister’s decision on the future of Isle of Anglesey Council, Shadow Local Government Minister Jonathan Morgan AM said:

“I welcome the Minister’s decision to take further action, and in particular, his appointment of two Commissioners to Isle of Anglesey Council.

“It is quite clear that a minority of county councillors there are unwilling to allow the authority to get on with the job it was elected to do.

“I wholeheartedly agree that this further action needs to be taken and that in the long-term, it is the people of Anglesey who should take control and have their say on the way this authority moves forward.

“In the short-term however, the Assembly Government needs to work closely with council officers to make sure that local services are still being delivered effectively.

“This issue remains absolutely paramount and we need assurances that the people of the island are able to access high quality local services

“There are other recommendations from the Auditor General that also need the Minister’s continued consideration – such as the opportunity for a referendum on a directly elected mayor for Anglesey.”

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