Deeside crackdown on illegal motorists, drug suppliers and thieves

Police from Deeside joined their colleagues in the Roads Policing Unit in a crackdown on illegal motorists and drug suppliers and metal thieves.

Operation Beige at the end of last week aimed to:

• disrupt the use and supply line of controlled drugs
• identify and disrupt the theft of fuel and metal
• gather intelligence on people travelling within North Wales area who are suspected of being involved in criminal activity or driving offences.
• provide a highly visible marked vehicle and uniformed police presence to reassure the public

Although no one was arrested for drug or stolen metal and fuel offences, a number of motorists were dealt for driving offences, including:

• four cars seized for driving with no insurance
• five motorists dealt with for licence or tax disc offences
• one person fined for driving while using a mobile phone
• other motorists were dealt with for having illegal number plates and vehicle defects

Deeside Inspector Alun Evans said: “In all it was a very positive operation and was aimed at dealing with issues raised by local people through our Balance your Bobbies interactive consultation scheme and Crimestoppers, whereby people tell us the priorities they would like us to concentrate on.

“In fact a number of people stopped said they were pleased with the highly visible operation and supported the targeting of illegal motorists driving without valid licences, insurance or a tax discs.

“We will continue this type of operation regularly as we want to press home a clear message that we target criminals who enter our area and deal effectively with those who choose to drive without the proper authority and documentation.”


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