Make your mark on history this weekend

Householders in Swansea have the opportunity to make their mark on history this month by filling out the 2011 Census form online.

For more than 200 years, millions of Britons have had to fill out census forms using pen and ink. But for the first time the country’s once in a decade national census is giving residents the chance to do it online instead.

Paper versions of the questionnaire along with the unique reference number required to access the online questionnaire have been through letterboxes all across the city since March 7.

Sharon Brace, Census 2011 Area Manager for Swansea, Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot, said organisers at the Office of National Statistics were pulling out all the stops to make sure everyone has all the help, information and facilities they require to complete the questionnaire.

She said: “On March 27 it will be time to fill in the questionnaire. For people with access to the internet it will be easier than ever because they’ll be able to complete the form online. But the information will be kept just as securely as if it had been completed on paper and posted back to the ONS.

“But which ever way we do it we all have a legal obligation to fill out our forms. No-one wants to restrict the funding the City receives from central Government by not completing the form nor does anyone want to face a fine of £1,000 for not spending 20 minutes completing the form.”

Miss Brace said advice on how to fill the form out has been published in more than 50 languages, though the actual form can only be filled out in Welsh or English. There’s also a website to find more information and that’s being backed-up by a nationwide advertising campaign.

On top of that a small army of collectors will be knocking on doors across the city from April 7 to offer advice to those who haven’t filled out the forms and to make sure they do.

Miss Brace said: “The Census is used by central government in London and the Welsh Assembly Government in Cardiff to decide how to allocate money for vital services like health, social care, housing, transport and education.

“If people don’t fill out the form it, in census terms will be as if they don’t exist and their communities will be poorer for it.”

“It’s important people realise that this is something they have to do. It’s not just about avoiding a fine. Communities will lose a lot more than £1,000 if people don’t fill out the form.”

Miss Brace said: “Between now and March 27 there will be a lot of support available to local residents who might have trouble completing the questionnaire. Anyone who thinks they might need help – or knows someone who does – can get in touch with Census 2011.”

Help will also be on hand at the Council’s Civic Centre in Swansea.

For more information go to or ring the helpline on 0300 0201 101.

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