Over 50 Dedication Plaques Stolen from Western Cemetery

Cardiff Council this week discovered that over 50 bronze memorial dedication plaques have been stolen from benches in Western Cemetery in Ely.

This is a crime that will deeply distress bereaved families and has been reported to the police.  Memorial plaques on the benches are very comforting to those who have lost loved ones and allow them an opportunity to reflect in a calm and peaceful setting.

As contact details are old in some cases, laminated notices will be placed on each bench advising that the plaque has been stolen and request that they contact the cemetery office about replacement plaques.

Martin Birch, Operational Manager of Bereavement Services for Cardiff Council said, “Staff in Bereavement Services are shocked and outraged by this theft and will be working closely with those families affected to replace the plaques as quickly as possible. It is impossible to comprehend the depths that some people will stoop to by stealing these precious memorials which mean so much to bereaved families. The cost to replace these plaques is significant and we would call on the local community to contact the Police if they have any details about who may be responsible.”

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