Gwent appoints new Deputy Chief Constable

Gwent Police Authority is delighted to name Jeff Farrar as Gwent’s next Deputy Chief Constable. He will take over from Carmel Napier, who began her position as Chief Constable of Gwent on April 1st following Mick Giannasi’s retirement.

Cilla Davies OBE, DL, Chair of Gwent Police Authority said: “We are delighted with this appointment. Mr Farrar has a wealth of experience gained at Chief Officer level and brings to the force experience, ideas and best practice for neighbourhood policing, which is central to the way we deliver our service here in Gwent. We look confidently to the future with him as Gwent’s Deputy Chief Constable.”

Chief Constable Carmel Napier said: “I would like to congratulate Jeff on his appointment. His knowledge and experience in policing and working in Wales will be of great benefit to the force. He joins us at a challenging time, however, he will be a pivotal member of the team in continuing our commitment in Neighbourhood Policing, working with others to keep people safe and delivering the best possible policing services with the monies available,”

Commenting on today’s announcement Mr Farrar said

“I am delighted to have been selected as the Deputy Chief Constable. We are facing difficult times in policing but my heart is in Wales and I am looking forward to being part of a team that will continue to deliver the highest quality of service that the people of Gwent deserve,”

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