Next Web Chat with Monmouthshire Superintendent

Superintendent Mark Sutton is inviting Monmouthshire residents to join in with his next live web chat on Wednesday 4th May between 7pm and 8pm.

During the one hour open web chat residents will be able to ask Superintendent Sutton, who is responsible for policing in the Monmouthshire area, a range of questions about local policing. This could include questions about local issues or concerns, as well as how to get involved in neighbourhood schemes.

Three previous web chats have already been held with residents of Monmouthshire logging on to quiz Superintendent Sutton about a range of issues such as anti-social behaviour and drug issues.

To join in, simply log onto the Gwent Police website: If you would like to be sent an e-mail reminder so you don’t forget about the web chat, log on now to register.


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