Bourne: Parties keep public in dark over new powers plans

Welsh Conservatives today expressed disappointment that other parties in Wales have failed to demonstrate how they would use the National Assembly’s enhanced powers ahead of the Assembly elections.

In their election manifestos only the Welsh Conservatives published a legislative programme, unveiling 11 bills which would be introduced by a Welsh Conservative Assembly Government.

Following the Yes vote in the Assembly powers referendum in March, the National Assembly will gain full lawmaking powers when new AMs gather in Cardiff Bay after the election.

Nick Bourne, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly, said, “Labour, Plaid Cymru and the Lib Dems all actively campaigned for a Yes vote in the Assembly powers referendum, but are now keeping the people of Wales in the dark about how they would use the Assembly’s new powers.

“After a resounding Yes vote from the electorate, voters have every right to expect a clear programme for government from each party.

“We have set out in clear terms how we would legislate to abolish business rates for small businesses, narrow the attainment gap in education and introduce Enterprise Zones to get our economy back on its feet.

“Welsh Conservatives have published a detailed legislative programme of costed and considered measures which would help make Wales a healthier, greener and more prosperous nation.”

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