Bring your recipes and remedies from days gone by to ‘culinary Antiques Roadshow’

A visit to the Garden isn’t normally the place to go to unearth rare recipes and remedies or to get free digital media training. But the West Wales Food Festival and Culturenet Cymru’s Hertitage in the Community project have linked up to invite people to digitally chronicle old family recipes and remedies to ensure they are not lost for all time.

The West Wales Food Festival, taking place at the National Botanic Garden of Wales in Llanarthne on the weekend of 14-15 May, has teamed up with Culturenet Cymru to work with festival visitors to develop a unique digital record of culinary history in Wales.

And an added bonus for those attending the event is that they could receive free digital training as part of the Digital Heritage in the Community project which is supported by Communities 2.0 through the Welsh Assembly Government and European ERDF scheme.

Hazel Thomas, who is the Senior Field Officer for the Digital Heritage in the Community Project and who has worked on the committee which organises the West Wales Food Festival is delighted at being able to link the two groups together to bring about this unique opportunity to chronicle the nation’s culinary past.

She said: “I’m a chef by trade and it’s always been one of my goals to collect all these old recipes and remedies before they are lost. The West Wales Food Festival provides such a brilliant and unique opportunity for people to bring along their family recipes and ensure they are documented and not lost for all time.

“People may be surprised at what they can unearth. Bryn Williams, who is one of the celebrity chef attractions at the festival, and who has just released a cookery book was recently featured on S4C’s Wedi 3 magazine program, cooking a dish which includes his grandmother s recipe for Bara brith.

“So people may find their recipes and remedies could find a much wider audience than they think.”

Head of marketing at the Garden David Hardy added: “We think this is a brilliant initiative. It’s a bit like the culinary equivalent of the Antiques Roadshow and, with the hook up to digital training, we are sure there will be many happy visitors that weekend.”


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