Barry Island Primary School pupils take part in ‘Blueprint Barry Island’ workshops

The Vale of Glamorgan council recently ran a number of workshops with students from year 5 and 6 at Barry Island Primary School to find out what they’d like to see at Barry Island in the future.

The workshops followed on from a similar exercise with residents and traders held in early March 2011.

John Dent, Vale Council Major Projects Manager (pictured), was impressed with ideas generated by the pupils. He said: “The students grasped very quickly the principles of planning and came up with a set of proposals not that far removed from those of the adults in the earlier sessions.

“Many thanks to the school’s head teacher, Janet Hayward, who suggested Council officers visit the school and seek the views of younger residents. The hour sessions passed very quickly with the students all fully involved. I was extremely pleased to see them so interested in their environment and the Island’s future.”

The students’ feedback, as well as feedback from residents and traders, will be considered in the Council’s “Blueprint for Barry Island” document, currently under production, which will be the subject of further consultation in the summer.

A report, produced for the school following on from the workshops, will be used by the school as part of their curriculum activity.

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