Tasty Tasters to Whet Your Learning Appetite

A festival of free taster sessions and fun learning events to encourage people to try something new will be held in the city later this month.

As part of Adult Learners’ Week from May 14 to 21 and supported by Niace Dysgu Cymru, Cardiff Learning Festival has a series of activities and introductions to courses available throughout the city for anyone thinking of having a go.

With themed days throughout the festival, including One World weekend, Skills for Life day, Cultural Heritage day, Digital Day and Family, Intergenerational Learning Day and  Get Active day, there is a wealth of options available to spark an interest to gain a qualification, a new hobby or gain a new skill for the workplace.

Taster sessions have been organised by a number of learning providers at a variety of venues in Cardiff. Sessions are free but booking is necessary.

From computers to beauty, art to tai chi, Welsh to calligraphy, there is something for everything and some of the highlights include ‘Foraging for food at St Fagans’, ‘Memories are made of this’ – a behind the scene look at Cardiff libraries, Archery and how ‘You can be part of the Wales Millennium Centre’.

For those eager to brush up on old skills or boost their work prospects, the Council’s Local Training and Enterprise service will be running free skills for work training tasters while there is also an introduction to crossing the bridge between formal and informal learning.

Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway, said: “The Cardiff Learning Festival is a fantastic way to get people interested in some of the many, varied courses or schemes available throughout the city. There is something for everyone and the taster sessions are free so it’s a great opportunity for anyone interested to try out what’s on offer to see if they want to pursue their interest further.

“The Council’s Neighbourhood Learning Programme provides courses across the city and there’s never been a better time to have a go and try something different.”

For more information and to download the Cardiff Learning Festival guide, please visit www.cardiff.gov.uk/learn

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