Nature and heritage trail set for opening

A brand new nature and heritage trail around a seaside resort attraction is to be opened in time for the Bank Holiday later this month.

The Marine Lake Users Forum has successfully received funding for a nature and heritage trail around Marine Lake, Rhyl.

Information panels, a map, leaflet, sculptural seating and a family interactive trail will add a new dimension to the facilities.

The funds for the developments came from the Welsh Assembly Government, with match funding from Denbighshire County Council.

Simon Townsend, Project Officer of the Marine Lake Users Forum, said: “We’re hoping that people will enjoy walking around the lake, learn a little about the fascinating history and nature and maybe be encouraged to have a ride on the train or try a water sport.

“We hope that the new facilities will add a new dimension to this 100 year old, well used and loved site.”

Vanessa Warrington of Denbighshire Countryside Services, said:  “The people we met at the White Rose Centre earlier this year provided an incredible amount of information.

“We are extremely grateful to all the local people, visitors and schoolchildren who have provided memories, stories, photos and artwork for this project. The response has been incredible and we hope people will enjoy they way we have incorporated many of these valuable contributions.”

Ian Olson, Coastal Facilities Officer, said: “Marine Lake is a fantastic facility in Rhyl. There is so much to do but there is also so much beneath the surface including a fascinating history and a rich wildlife. We hope to tell the story of the Lake and give people an added reason to visit.”


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