Monmouthshire’s flag proudly displayed on Indian Ocean active duty

Monmouthshire’s affiliated ship HMS Monmouth is currently deployed in the Indian Ocean on counter-terrorism and counter-narcotic operations, upholding the best traditions of the Royal Navy, ….and flying the flag of Monmouthshire County Council.

One of the final duties of outgoing Chairman Peter Clarke was to send a county flag to be displayed while the ship undergoes replenishment at sea – the transferring of fuel, munitions, and stores from one vessel to another.  The flag was posted and received by HMS Monmouth in the Omani port of Salalah.

Councillor Clarke recently received a letter of thanks for the receipt of the flag from Commander Bassett who outlined the journey from Devonport via Gibraltar, the Mediterranean, Crete and the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean.  Since arrival, all naval personnel have trained hard to ensure they can react quickly to any situation encountered and, working for a French admiral as part of a multinational approach, they have already conducted a number of boardings.

Commander Bassett thanked Councillor Clarke for his gift and sent his best wishes for the future.  He now looks forward to forging a new relationship with Councillor Clarke’s successor, the recently elected chairman Brian Hood MBE.

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