Bright New Name for New Cycle Network

Cardiff Council has developed a plan for a new city-wide cycle network which is to be known as Enfys, the Welsh word for rainbow and represented by a bright and colourful new logo. Eight of the cycle routes that make up the network will also be named after colours of the rainbow.

Following a competition to name the network launched in April, over 100 entries were received from residents of Cardiff with almost 15 per cent of entrants suggesting the name Enfys.  The Cardiff Cycle Liaison Group voted on a shortlist of names and they too agreed unanimously on Enfys.

With so many people picking Enfys, there was not an obvious candidate to win the £200 bike vouchers competition prize. So in the spirit of fairness, the names of all the entrants submitting Enfys were put into a hat and drawn. The winning entry came from the Evans family – Gruff (13), Twm (10), Lleucu (7) and Huw (5) who had worked on their entry together.

The winners were announced during the closing party of the Cardiff Cycle Festival by Executive Member of Traffic and Transportation, Cllr Lisa Ford.

Along with naming the network, the public have played a big part in the development of the new cycle network in the city. The Council has consulted with the public and their feedback has helped identify key routes for cycling in the city. Over the next five years, the Council will be investing in the new cycle network which will make it easier and quicker to cycle around the city.

Executive Member for Transport Cllr Lisa Ford, said “The timing of the announcement of the name Enfys for the new cycle network is fitting following a successful first Cardiff Cycle Festival.

“We have been greatly encouraged by the response to the 30 plus events – events which have been organised and hosted by enthusiastic individuals and organisations across the city. It really has been fantastic to see those who don’t usually cycle getting back on their bikes.  I would like to thank everyone who took part in the competition and who has helped with the development of the new network. I now look forward to seeing the new Enfys logo signposting Cardiff’s new cycle network.”

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