Families get the latest update on Fforestfach fire

Families living near the site of the Fforestfach fire are getting the latest information and advice delivered to their homes over the coming days.

The new leaflet is offering useful advice to thousands of local residents who may have been affected by smoke or soot deposits because of the fire that has been burning for two weeks.

It comes as fire-fighters have been speeding up the process of extinguishing the fire by demolishing the former Mettoys site in sections as well as creating a dammed area so that the burning tyre flock can be extinguished more quickly.

Roger Thomas, Group Manager with Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, said: “We are making good progress with the fire-fighting operation and it is very important that we keep residents and businesses informed about it as well as public health issues.”

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service staff and Police Community Support Officers are delivering new leaflets to thousands of homes in the area. Firefighters will also be handing leaflets out at Tesco and visiting homes in the area to reassure residents.

The leaflet is aimed at local residents who may have been affected by the smoke or soot deposits and offers advice on how and when to clean furniture as well as information about food preparation.

It advises parents to keep children indoors if the smoke plume is overhead. Children can play outside at other times and the leaflet offers parents advice to wash clothes and skin if children come back indoors with soot deposits on them.

Dr Jorg Hoffmann, Consultant in Health Protection at Public Health Wales said: ” The leaflet gives families some practical advice about reducing the likelihood of exposure.

“Air quality measurements have continued over the last two weeks and mobile measurement units are placed in areas that are likely to experience greater levels of smoke.

“Fortunately pollution levels which would trigger further action have not been exceeded for the time being but are being monitored contstantly.”

He said: “Concerns have been raised by residents about the use of facemasks. We have reviewed previous advice but we are still convinced that that members of the general public would not benefit from using them. In fact they would be at risk of potentially greater exposure to the smoke because they might spend more time outside given the false sense of security facemasks might provide.

“Our advice remains the same as before which is:

Local residents and visitors to the area should minimise exposure wherever possible by staying indoors and closing windows and doors.

The health effects of breathing in smoke will depend on the sensitivity of the person exposed to the smoke, which is higher in those with existing heart and lung problems, such as asthma, bronchitis and angina. Children may be more sensitive because they breathe faster than adults and they may be more likely to experience symptoms.”

Anyone with symptoms who is concerned should try to avoid the affected area and contact NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47 or their GP.

A multi-agency response is in place involving Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, South Wales Police, Swansea Council, Environment Agency Wales, Public Health Wales and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board.

The Park and Ride site at Fforestfach remains closed until further notice.

If you have any inquiries about the fire incident please contact 01792-635600.

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