Cardiff ASB operation continues into July

Police in Cardiff issued five cannabis warnings during a city centre park blitz at the weekend.

Operation Belladonna was launched in May to reduce anti social behaviour, underage drinking and deter offences particularly those against young people.

Officers have reported a reduction in the number of young people found drinking alcohol since the operation was launched six weeks ago.

However, a selection of alcohol was seized on Saturday, July 2 and five people were issued with warnings for cannabis use. The majority were men in their 20s.

Sergeant Karen McNeil, from the city centre neighbourhood policing team, said: “On Saturday we were working with the Youth Offending Service to help prevent any young people who were out and about in the city centre from becoming victims, or perpetrators, of crime and anti social behaviour.

“When we did find young people who were intoxicated then their parents were contacted so they could be taken home safely.”

Operation Belladonna is run every Saturday in Alexandra Gardens, Gorsedd Gardens, and Bute Park from 1pm until 9pm.

Officers from the city centre neighbourhood policing team will be out again this Saturday on patrol. PCSOs will also be conducting a questionnaire in the parks to measure public confidence.


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