Pupils’ chance to shine at cricket event

Pupils from Tyn-Y-Wern Primary School in Trethomas were recently given the honour of being the only school in Wales chosen to take part in National Cricket Day.

Tyn-Y-Wern pupils joined primary schools from across the UK to take part in the Cricket Foundation’s ‘Chance to Shine’ project. During the event pupils had the opportunity to take part in cricket-themed lessons both inside and outside the classroom.

Cllr Phil Bevan, Cabinet Member for Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning said, “Staying active plays a vital role for the youth of our community, so we strive to make activities fun and accessible.”

He continued, “For Tyn-Y-Wern to have such a unique opportunity to represent the whole of Wales during this event makes us in Caerphilly county borough very proud.”

The campaign has had six years of successful events throughout England and is now branching into Wales. The project aims to help young people acquire important skills, values and attitudes for their future lives with the help of professional cricket coaches.

The day ended on a high as pupils and teachers alike were excited to show off their new found skills to Swansea-born cricket star, Robert Croft.


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