Taking a tough stance on environmental issues

Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Public Protection team have been working hard to tackle environmental issues in Caerphilly county borough.

Throughout 2010/11, the Environmental Health Team at Caerphilly County Borough Council issued:

  • 21 written warnings for dog fouling
  • 44 written warnings for litterin
  • 47 fixed penalty notices for dog fouling
  • 61 fixed penalty notices for littering

Where non-payment of fixed penalty notices occurs, the case is pursued through the courts without exception. During 2010/11, there were seven prosecutions for dog fouling and seven prosecutions for littering.

During this period, 82 Abatement Notices were also issued for statutory nuisance (such as noise, smell or smoke), as were 81 Public Health Notices (for issues such as drainage, unauthorised access etc).

Two items of noise making equipment were also confiscated.

Cllr Rob Gough, Cabinet Member for Public Protection said, “Our Environmental Health team work tirelessly to help tackle environmental issues ranging from dog fouling and littering, through to noise nuisance and fly-tipping. It is our residents’ right to be able to enjoy a decent quality of life, and the team are committed to help tackle issues that can hinder this”.

He continued, “While the vast majority of people in Caerphilly county borough undoubtedly do take their environmental responsibilities seriously, there does still remain a small minority who do not”.

“In the past year our Environmental Health team have carried out a total of 350 actions under environmental and nuisance legislation, and they will continue to work so proactively to help ensure that residents can enjoy the quality of life that they are entitled to”.

The Environmental Health team are also leading on a ‘Summer StreetPride’ campaign, which is focussing on littering, dog fouling and fly tipping.

Caerphilly StreetPride is a council initiative that brings together the services that keep Caerphilly county borough clean, green and safe. Its aim is to work with residents to keep street and neighbourhoods at a standard that promotes pride and community responsibility.

To report environmental concerns such as littering, dog fouling or noise nuisance in Caerphilly county borough, please call Caerphilly StreetPride on 01443 866 566 or visit www.caerphilly.gov.uk/streetpride.


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