Beaumaris RNLI called out three times over the weekend

The first was at 2.30pm on Saturday 9 July. The volunteer crew of Beaumaris RNLI was tasked to maintain a watch under Menai Bridge following a report of a man on the bridge.

After a 25 minute wait, the crew were stood down as the police had the man in custody.

At 7.00pm on the same day, Beaumaris RNLI was called out after a report of a small craft in trouble in Puffin Sound. On arrival at the scene the volunteer crew were stood down as the Coastguard had brought the boat ashore.

At 8.30am on Sunday 10 July, the volunteer RNLI crew were tasked to Britannia Bridge following a report of a missing female. The crew undertook a search of the Menai Strait up to Felinheli and were then stood down as the missing female had been found by the police.


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