AM Condemns Norway Atrocities

Labour AM Jeff Cuthbert has condemned the atrocities in Norway over the weekend, saying that extremism in any shape or form is both dangerous and wrong.

At least 93 people were killed in the attacks, following a car bomb in Oslo city centre and then a crazed gunman going on a shooting rampage on a picturesque island off the Norwegian coast. The island was hosting a summer camp for young members of Norway’s ruling Arbeiderpartiet, or Labour Party.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said: “Our deepest condolences go out to the families of those whose lives were cruelly ended in the attacks in Norway over the weekend.

“This dreadful atrocity serves as a reminder that extremism in any forms – be it far-right, far-left or anything outside or in-between – is unacceptable and can have dangerous consequences.

“I urge people to sign the book of condolences that has been opened at the Norwegian Church in Cardiff Bay, if they are able to do so. We remember the innocent victims at this terrible time.”


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