Buckley’s Development Brief

Following on from the Buckley Masterplan earlier this year, and the great feedback they’ve received from the public, a development brief has now been produced for the town, and Flintshire County Council is now keen to find out people’s views about it.

The Masterplan provides the broad framework for Buckley Town Centre as a whole, and the development brief provides the vision and the planning context for the development of the precinct site in the town – which is the ‘preferred option’ as identified in the Masterplan – and the aspirations for this development.

The Buckley Masterplan can be viewed on Buckley Town Council’s website at www.buckleytc.org.uk

The development brief can be found on www.flintshire.gov.uk.

It is anticipated that, following this public consultation, the Buckley Development Brief will be adopted and used alongside the development plan to assess a future planning application to develop a high quality town centre development within Buckley.

The development brief contains references to a number of key planning requirements which a developer will need to consider and address as part of a planning application. For example, these include the relocation of the War Memorial and the Cenotaph to a new civic square at the heart of the town centre; the relocation of public toilet provision; and the possible relocation of the library, museum and community training facilities to new modern purpose built accommodation.

The feedback from the Buckley Masterplan public consultation, which took place earlier this year, has been taken into account in writing this brief.

The development brief will be available for comment until 23 September 2011 at 5pm.

Councillor Matt Wright, Flintshire County Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration and Tourism, said:

“By having a Masterplan, the Council and the community can plan ahead and ensure developments are integrated into a town in a thoughtful way rather than tagged onto a town in a reactive way.

“Following the positive public response to the Buckley Masterplan, it is clear that Flintshire County Council should continue to develop plans to accommodate a new high quality town centre development in Buckley.

“This development brief is a step closer to delivering a quality extension to Buckley Town Centre which will complement the existing town centre whilst improving the shopping facilities for the local community. The release of the draft development brief for public consultation provides the community with yet another opportunity to influence this vision for the indoor precinct and precinct way and I hope very much that the community will take this opportunity to express their views on the brief.”

If you have any comments on the content of the draft Buckley Development Brief you can submit an online enquiry at www.flintshire.gov.uk or submit your comments in writing as follows:

“Buckley Development Brief”
Andrew Farrow,
Head of Planning,
Environment Directorate,
County Hall,


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