RNLI Lifeboat launched to save 2 swimmers in difficulties off Porthcawl

At 1930 on Sunday night, Porthcawl Lifeboat, ‘Rose of the Shires’ was launched to a report of two swimmers in difficulties off Newton Point, Porthcawl.

When the lifeboat approached Newton Point, the 2 swimmers could be seen in the rough water, approximately 200yards off shore.  The lifeboat came alongside the swimmers, took them on board, and then proceeded to Newton Slip way, where they were handed over to the Porthcawl Coastguards.

Lifeboat Helm, Joe Missen, said “the conditions off Newton Point were extremely rough, with 3m high waves, and a strong outgoing tide.  As we approached Newton Point, we could just see the swimmers between the waves, and quickly went to their aid.”

Philip Missen, the Local Operations Manager at Porthcawl RNLI Lifeboat Station said “when swimming in unfamiliar waters, you should always seek advice from local lifeguards and know the tides.”


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