Holiday fun at Swansea University’s Egypt Centre

During the summer holidays the Egypt Centre at Swansea University has been holding fun workshops for children with a range of themes from ‘Pharaohs and Queens’ to ‘Treasure Hunters!’

Fun activities have included dressing up as ancient Egyptians, exploring Tutankhamun’s ‘tomb!’, and of course making a mummy, as well as taking part in arts and craft activities. The workshops are registered as a module with Children’s University Swansea.

During October half term the workshop’s will be running again but this time will feature a series of ‘personalities’ from ancient Egypt – a sort of  “A day in the life of …..pharaoh, scribe, farmer etc .

Also throughout October the Egypt Centre will be holding a ‘Big Draw’ event when all visitors will have an opportunity to explore the galleries (Life and Death!) to find our ‘Fantastic Creatures’ then draw one or be inspired to design and draw their own. Drawings will be judged at the end of the event and the best entry will win a limited edition, hand made Fantastic Creature!

Photograph: Children wearing the pharaoh masks and beards which they made at the workshops

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