A Decade of Terrorism and Counter-terrorism since 9/11: Taking stock and new directions in research and policy

Yesterday, 8th September 2011, Richard Jackson, Professor in International Politics at Aberystwyth University spoke on Unknown Knowns: The Subjugated Knowledge of Terrorism Studies. Professor Jackson will be a keynote speaker at the Decade of Terrorism and Counter-terrorism since 9/11 conference taking place at the University of Strathclyde and Glasgow City Chambers.

Commenting on the event, Professor Jackson said, “It is important that we encourage a more critical approach to the issue of terrorism but first, we need to take stock of what has already been achieved over the last 10 years. What we need to do to improve such studies is to bring subjugated knowledge to the field and take into consideration other forms of knowledge, for example peace studies. This will ultimately help us advise governments and key policy makers.”

Richard is the founding editor of the journal Critical Studies on Terrorism. Together with Jeroen Gunning and Marie Breen Smyth, Richard Jackson is co-editor of the Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies Book Series. He has also published numerous books and articles on terrorism-related issues and international conflict resolution.

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