Supermarket Giant Tesco signs up to WLGA ASD Aware Scheme

This week, the WLGA launched the innovative Welsh ASD Aware Scheme, which aims to raise awareness of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) across Wales. Target participants for the scheme are high street stores, supermarkets, statutory services and employers, and supermarket giant Tesco has become the first to join the scheme, with training for staff in their Newport Tesco Extra store taking place last week.

The scheme involves an online learning tool, which helps the user to develop a basic understanding of ASD and the option for users to then complete an online questionnaire to test their knowledge. By recording the information of those who have successfully completed the questionnaire, the system will be able to give feedback on which businesses and agencies have a high proportion of ASD aware staff and the second stage of the project will be to award participating businesses with ASD Aware status.

Cllr Meryl Gravell OBE (Carmarthenshire), WLGA Spokesperson for Social Care and Health said:

‘It is estimated that 1 in every 100 people have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder and people with ASD use all kinds of services and businesses in Wales. It is therefore vitally important that staff in these organisations are ASD aware.’

‘We are delighted that Tesco have agreed to join the scheme and hope that many other businesses and services will follow suit.’

The scheme has been funded by the Welsh Government as part of the ASD e- resource for professionals. The scheme can be accessed at

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