No Charge for Armistice Policing in Caerphilly

Cllr Ron Davies has welcomed the decision by Gwent Police not to charge for policing at armistice parades across the Caerphilly county borough during this year’s special commemorations on 11.11.11.

Superintendent Jon Burley has confirmed that the force will not charge for police resources that are used at official events where road closure orders have been agreed. “We recognise and are humbled by the ultimate sacrifice our uniformed colleagues in the armed services have made in conflicts past and present. I would urge the organisers to plan the events (and road closure applications) as early as possible so we can continue with business as usual and provide the high level of visible support for the Armistice events that the public expect,” said Supt. Burley.

“We are delighted that our colleagues at Gwent Police have agreed to follow this policy as Armistice Parades are a key event in the annual calendar and an important community gathering,” said Cllr Ron Davies. “Caerphilly county borough council is always keen to work closely with the police and the Royal British Legion to support these events. Our generous council employees have also been doing their bit by contributing almost £4,000 by purchasing 11.11.11 pin badges this year.”

The CCBC Mayor, Cllr Vera Jenkins will attend a number of services in key locations across the county borough to provide civic representation at this year’s special Armistice events.

“We recognise the invaluable contributions made by the men in women of our armed forces both now and in the past, so we will continue to support any opportunity to commemorate the sacrifices of these brave people,” added Cllr Davies.

The council also holds a special ‘Flag Raising Ceremony’ each year to mark National Armed Forces Day and plans are underway to make next year’s event even bigger with a greater community involvement.

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