Welsh Conservative Group Slams Massive Expenditure on Powys Consultants

Figures have emerged showing that the level of expenditure on Consultants by Powys County Council has increased dramatically over the last 10 yrs:

1999 £86,348
2000 253,731
2001 201,979
2002 257,984
2003 424,338
2004 352,620
2005 1,441,757
2006 2,003,676
2007 1,859,309
2008 2,558,873
2009 3,200,000 (approx)
2010 6,104,923

Cllr Aled Davies, Conservative Group joint leader, said:

“The increase in the Consultancy bill over the last few years has been dramatic at a time when the Council is looking to make large cuts. £6 million is a huge sum of money in anybody’s language; it is equivalent to £100 for every household.

Powys County Council £6 million bill for consultancy is the same as the Council spends on its 6th forms. I worry about the Administration’s priorities”


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