Denbighshire Council’s housing team take tough stance on ant-social behaviour

Recent legal action by Denbighshire County Council Housing Services to tackle anti-social behaviour  has resulted in successful court actions which led to one tenant being evicted and a further tenant having their tenancy demoted.

The evicted tenant was found guilty of a serious assault on a vulnerable woman and the council used its powers under the tenancy agreement to evict the tenant for their criminal behaviour.

The demoted tenant has now been placed on a 12 month probationary tenancy.   The demoted tenancy means that if the tenant causes further noise nuisance and annoyance to neighbours during the next 12 months the council can apply to court to evict the tenant from his home.

Councillor David Thomas, Cabinet Lead Member with responsibility for Housing, said: “These cases send out a very clear message that the council will not tolerate anti social behaviour and will use a range legal options to tackle those individuals responsible for being a nuisance and annoyance to neighbours and to safeguard communities.

“These cases also show the importance of partnership working between the council and local communities as the willingness of local residents to act as witnesses was a very important factor in helping to secure successful legal action in both cases”.


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