Movie marathon raises charity cash

It was a bit like a very long busman’s holiday for cinema staff in Wrexham.

They settled into the stalls for a 24-hour filmathon at the Odeon in Eagles Meadow shopping centre.

The13 dedicated movie fans who work there were raising money for  the NSPCC and the Variety Club.

Manager Andy Elvis, who came up with the fundraising idea at a staff meeting, is delighted more than £600 was raised for the two Odeon-backed charities.

He said: “It’s a fantastic effort. The staff who took part range from projectionists, duty managers, team leaders and front of house staff.

“They settled into seats at 6pm joining members of the public to watch Apollo 18, Final Destination 5 and Fright Night 3D.

“Once the cinema was closed to the general public they were able to watch the own films. It was decided that the person who raised the most money got to choose and staff member Stephen Short came up with The Longest Yard, Social Network and Anchor Man.”

“Those taking part then joined the public once the cinema reopened for The Inbetweeners, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Harry Potter before finishing their marathon at 6pm, 24 hours after they started.

“I am proud of them  as it must have been really difficult watching films for 24 hours without a break however much of a fan you are of the silver screen. But it’s been a great way to raise much-needed funds for the charities we support as a company.”

And some staff taking part in the filmathon admitted simply keeping awake had been a difficult task.

Roxanne Laroch, 20, of Wrexham, said: “It’s been so hard. The trouble is just as you fall asleep and your colleagues realise, your woken up with an elbow in your side which just makes you feel worse.”

Roxanne’s sentiments were echoed by Andrew Fisher who added: “It’s been so hard especially as I haven’t enjoyed some of the films we have had to watch! I certainly wouldn’t chose to watch what I endured throughout the night.”

And to keep themselves going through their marathon effort staff stocked up on snacks to take into the auditorium.

Rebecca Leonard, 21, said: “I’ve never eaten so much rubbish in one day. We stocked up on sausage rolls, crisps and sweets before we started.

“I really can’t believe I was eating a Pot Noodle at 6am in the morning. Never again!”

Photograph: Staff at the Odeon, Eagles Meadow, Wrexham held an sponsored 24 hour Filmathon. Stephen Short, front centre raised the most sponsorship money so chose some of the films they watched. Stephen under the blankets with Nicola Griffiths and Roxanne Leroche
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